News & Features

Confirmed Summer Impressions Titles

Exodus of the Storks Book Launch

Peter Owen's Autobiography

Reviving our most Pioneering book

William Nicholson (1753-1815) doesn’t tend to get the recognition we feel he deserves. He was a visionary polymath of his day, a scientist, inventor, architect and author, and a crucia...

The Singular, Undeniably Unusual Life of Anna Kavan

Anna Kavan - The Awful Force of Inanimate Things

One of the brightest lights on the Peter Owen list, Anna Kavan, is in the spotlight herself Stateside. Here’s what New York Review of Books witer Miranda Seymour had to say about the U...

In deep with Anna Kavan

The Last Refuge reviewed in the Economist

Ithell Colquhoun in the news

An interview with Kai Aareleid

World Series Baltics

Britain’s first commercial science periodical

Anna Gielas in the Guardian describes how William Nicholson paved the way for the steady and reliable circulation of Science with his Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts....

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